Friday May 29, 2020 - 17:02:08 in Maqaallo by Super Admin
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So far the offer is still on the table for an open debate between Baaq Shacab, whom i have used their Corporate Logo to have a debate - a group of self-styled, self-proclaimed and pseudo -wanna-be future politicians, who recently who recently published a document criticizing the political aspirations of the State of Somaliland, tarnishing its achievements for the past 29 years, describing it as a total failure, whilst also making ridiculous accusations against the the Constitution and the Somaliland National Charter, the Constitution and other State institutions.
we believe this group have committed a number of cascading crimes that constitute a high treason or serious misdemeanor against the State by attacking some of the fundamental pillars of State of Somaliland, 
and i will explain these:
First of all this group, who convineiently call themselves Baaq Shacab are not registered in Somailand as an Institution of any kind , even be it a pressure group, trade union, forum of Academics and simply do not have the legal status required to issue political statements addressing the general public. 
Secondly, their Title Baaq Shacab, which roughly translates Public Call, or Call to The General Public, is misleading and raises the question, what is Public and who can make a Call to the Public. 
the general Public is basically every citizen and even non-citizen members of the population and not an identifiable group. Only a an elected representative of the Parliament or the President or civil servants acting on behalf the Government and its service provision institutions have the right to make Public Address or Call on the General Public.
The only other people allowed to Baad Shacab or Call to the General public are the Opposition Parties, in the case of Somaliland, WADDANI and UCID can do that. 
in other words, Faisal Ali Waraabe could wake up one Sunday morning and says "This morning I call on the nation of Somaliland and urge every man and woman to eat garlic and tamarind drink as breakfast" or Cirro coming out of a bar in Helsinki drunk and tipsy and says "i wanna make this public address to my people in Somaliland and I wanna tell them that eating pork and drinking alcohol is good for your heart etc" 
Say my analogies are little bit unorthodox and far fetched bu i just want to emphasize the notion that the use of the word PUBLIC requires some sort of legal authority in order to use. Not that any dick and Harry can use it to address the people. 
Therefore, for 'Baaq Shacab' to use the word 'Shacab' they are in direct violation of the Law.
The Logo uses the National Flag of Somaliland as if they are an alternative government, the map of the Somaliland without the permission of the offiial custodian and protector of State symbols and that is the Government of Somaliland.
the implication of the use of State emblem, Symbols and signs by Baaq Shacab is indicative that this group do not recognize these symbols as State symbols reserved for only the State and State institutions. Their use, however inadvertently of the Constitution and constitutes to forgery. why not? if you can do that you can also print print Somaliland shilling or Somaliland Passports. 
The other interpretations I have derived from the rationale of their published materials (written, filmed, videowed, shared in public domains, tweets and trolling groups, personal life styles etc) certainly appears suggest that this is the work of an external influence, that there is a campaign and assorted effort to undermine the State of Somaliland and its prospects to achieve international recognition.
sadly, the Government of Somaliland [the current administration] and its Intelligence Services,  does not understand what I call the HAM Network  - Hargeisa Ankara Mugadishu Network. 
The reason why i offered this group to come and debate with other people from the opposite site of the argument and i offered them that chance and that they not respond to my challenge is simply because they know I know.
the top brass of the group are in hiding, potentially in preparation of leaving the country.
But the lower section of the group are tasked to buy more time by engaging their handlers while new recruits, the poor and vulnerable with dependencies are coming forward with new information.
Dawlada uma shaqeeyo laakiin ha la ogaado in halista qaranka Somaliland ku soo fool lehi ay tahay adeegsiga Technology ga. 
TROLLING: Individuals and networks using systematical tools to search, locate and trail them into a fishing line catching the fish all the way.
similar to what is called "head hunting" 
headhunting is a military process where by you want to take over a land or reduce the ability of that to defend itself from an attacking enemy.
You do so by implanting agents, mainly influential who first cook the nation into a state of chaos.
it is a strategy that works like this: Boil the egg but not too much not to the extent that the egg even feels he is been cooked.

the rest of us will just prepare the Salad.

Dawladeena, waxaan in ay indhaha u furato wadeecooyinka inagu soo fool leh. oo si sahlan dhexdeena looga qadhaabsan karo.

Madaxweyne Faraskii Trojan wuu joogaa waanu heensaysanyay. Beerta Xoriyada ayaanu dhex joogaa.
Yassin Ismail 

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